Sunday 22 August 2010

I want to ride my bicycle...

I did some cycling today, by choice, just for fun.

There we go - I've said it.  Confession over.  I did exercise of my own free will.  Yes, I know - it was a lovely morning.  I never claimed to be anything other than a fair weather cyclist.  And part of my motivation was to get some time on my own.  Alone-time has been at a bit of a premium over the summer holidays. 

The thing is - I've never looked forward to exercise before.  It's an entirely new experience for me.  Maybe it's true, you really do just have to keep trying different things until you find something you like.  Odd really though, because I never liked cycling before...  The difference is made by having somewhere to cycle that you only have to tackle roads and/or hills if you want to.  I'm still avoiding hills - I'm too scared to go down them, and too unfit to go up them...  But - thanks to wonderful husband - I have now braved roads.  I can even balance well enough to signal if I'm turning somewhere...  I know - impressive stuff.

The cycling appears to be catching too.  Son number one has now mastered cycling without stabilizers, and son number two has mastered pedalling.  Surely it's only a matter of time before Sir Chris Hoy is coming round for tea! 
Hmmm...  do you think they have any family events in the 2012 Olympics?

1 comment:

  1. The call of the road. soon hills will quake before you (may help if you go to Iceland)

    Enjoy it, pootle, pick a good low gear fo hills, just go up slowly...
