Friday 18 March 2011

Reflections on a poo pile - part 2

I wrote part one of this blog a while back - so if you haven't read it, you might want to click here to catch up with part one; otherwise this won't make much sense...

Done?  Good.

So, the big pile of poo is gone.  Spread out all over the field to do it's (quite literally) dirty work... Actually, it only took the farmer and his (very fascinating to small boys) machinery a few hours to sort out.

Prior to the spreading, it had got to a point of just sitting there, present - but not really noticeable.  I remember this time last year, when the previous poo pile was hiding under a layer of snow, trying to be even less conspicuous.  I don't think it's stretching the analogy too far to say that sometimes the rubbish (or poo pile) in our lives can just sit there, not dealt with, not benefiting the surroundings - just being ignored...

The thing is, whilst the muck spreading was going on, the poo was smellier than ever.  Moving the poo somehow released the smell to a new and smelly height. For the unfortunate farmer tasked with this smelly job, it would have been less stinky to leave the poo in a big pile - but then how would it have done it's job of nourishing the soil?  Of course, it wouldn't have. 

So today, I guess I want to encourage you...  If you are dealing with something difficult, with your own (hopefully metaphorical) pile of poo; keep going.  I think it was Winston Churchill who said: "If you are going through hell, keep going" as obviously he understood that the alternative was to stay where you are... 

I know that God can bring good out of seemingly hopeless situations...  He is, as stated in part one, the master recycler...

My prayer is that God will take hold of the struggles that you have and, as Rastamouse would say: "make a bad ting good".


  1. I can't believe how relevant this is to me today!!

    Ain't God great :-D

    How he can get the right word to you, at the right time in an inconceivably appropriate way and just hit that spot head on!!!

  2. Great stuff, this poo! You should have smelt some of the stuff which came out of our compost bin yesterday, too, but I imagine it will do the garden good.

    Meanwhile I am trusting that a potential "flower" in the poo that I believe God has directed me towards will lead to new growth and encouragement for both of us.

    Keep going, you are one of the best encouragers I know! xx
