Monday 31 January 2011

Not-so-Silent Witness - part 2

Anyone else feeling nervous about watching Silent Witness tonight?  This week it's the series finale, so heaven alone knows what they can do to top last week's hide-behind-a-cushion Harry dead, then amazingly not dead two parter...  Here's hoping they don't actually kill someone off...  Would it be too Hollywood to actually have a happy ending for once?  Hmmm... probably.

Last week's episodes drew a lot of discussion as to whether or not it was fair on the audience to kill Harry quite blatantly in episode one, and then have him actually not dead - and saved in an unlikely manner, which wouldn't have fitted the timeline they showed in episode one.  Personally, I was just relieved by the not dead-ness of it all, but I could understand the point that playing on the emotions to boost the shock factor (and maybe the ratings?) might be a bit unfair.

It got me thinking however, about the publicity (or lack of) given to someone else who actually did die, and then was alive again. 

You might know where I'm going with this - or you might not...  I felt quite challenged that I write quite freely about a plot line in a BBC drama, but actually - it's more difficult to write about the death and resurrection of Jesus, a real person who really died - in a horrible way, even worse than anything the script writers have ever come up with on Silent Witness, and then was miraculously made alive again - what the Bible refers to as resurrection. 

The thing is, I believe that what the Bible says about Jesus is true.  That it's a historical account of Jesus' life-death-and life on earth; and that everything He said is true too.  You might well disagree with me, and that's your choice; but if there's even a small possibility that God's Son came to earth and died a horrible death in order to free people from sin and death, and give them life - then isn't that worth finding out about?

One way of exploring these things is to go on an Alpha course.  This is a course written by a guy called Nicky Gumbel who leads a big church in London.  It covers all sorts of interesting questions such as: Who was Jesus?  Why did He die?  What's in the Bible?  How do I pray? etc. etc.  Alpha Courses are run all over the world in all sorts of places from churches to prisons.  You can find out more about Alpha by clicking here.

However, if you live in the Rugby area, and are free on Wednesdays this week onwards, my church are running an Alpha course in Mosaic, our fabulous coffee shop.  Each Wednesday evening at 8pm they'll be a chance to hear a speaker, discuss questions like the ones above, and drink nice coffee and (even better in my opinion) eat nice cake!  If you want you can email the church office ( to let them know you're coming, or you can just turn up.  You won't regret it.

So here's me, being a Not-so-silent Witness...  Gxx

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, testator NON silens! The modern world loves to poo poo belief in the Resurrection as somehow irrational - but 2 billion people round the world follow Jesus and Christianity has now survived ooh, around 2011 years (arguments about exact year of birth aside) - so don't be shy, find out more. Seek and you will find - and you will (I promise) meet some lovely people too!
