Monday 21 February 2011


I don't expect I'm the only person who's moderately depressed by the weather today.  Here we are - half term holiday - both boys at home - and it's rained solid all day.  And yesterday too.  Marvellous.

I know I should be grateful that it's not freezing too.  It is February after all.  A while back, in fact one of my earliest blog posts, I wrote a song about the rain - and then it was August.  It just shows, no month is immune from the 'rainy day blues'...

So - to cheer me, and hopefully you, up a bit - I thought I would try and list a whole load of songs that mention rain... 

So here we go:
  1. The Rainy Day Blues - Me!
  2. Purple Rain - Prince
  3. Rain - Mika
  4. Rain - The Beatles
  5. The rhythm of the rain - The Cascades
  6. I can't stand the rain - Ann Peebles (This was famously covered by Tina Turner - but this is better!)
  7. Singing in the rain - Gene Kelly - or maybe this one!
Now - add your own...
And hope it stops soon xx


  1. Why does it always rain on me? - Travis

  2. Rainy Days and Mondays by the Carpenters, Raindrops keep falling on my head, and, my personal favourite for the day, Raindrops on Roses. Not quite my usual Mary Poppins channelling, but close!

    My ever facetious father would like to know if Rudolph the red-nosed RAINdeer counts?! Typical....

  3. Jason Donovan - listen to the rhythm of the falling rain (I think - I know he does one about rain. Sorry, that should be 'did'...

  4. @Sarah - The Jason Donovan one was actually a cover of song No. 5 in my list... Great minds :)

    @Abbie - I like your additions - Not sure about your Dad's though...

    I was going to add Kiss the Rain - Billie Myers

  5. Ah...
    And 'It's raining men!', of course!

  6. I totally let my kids trampoline in the rain today, whole house now smells of wet coats.
