Friday 17 December 2010

5000... well, nearly...

I don't mean to be cryptic. 5000 (or actually at time of writing - I should say 4959; Joel would be very unimpressed with any inaccuracy, especially related to numbers...) refers to the number of page views on my blog.

I wrote once before about the exciting (if slightly geeky) joys of having available statistics on my blog.  I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you who read my ramblings; especially those of you who comment encouragingly, or (insert fanfare here!) actually dare to publically 'follow' my blog.  It does seems odd having 'followers' - a strange, cult leader-ish term I know.  But it is lovely to know who I'm writing to...

Over the course of the last five months people in the UK, USA, Thailand, Burkina Faso, Germany, Finland, Canada, Russia, Spain, Ireland, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Australia, France, The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Croatia, Slovenia, The Philippines, Singapore, Colombia, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have all read my blog.  I'm very honoured that anyone reads it at all, to be honest - let alone people in parts of the world I've never been to, who I've never even met.

So thank you for taking a minute out of your busy day to read this.  And do feel free to say hello!


  1. I just got number 5000 - at least according the widget on the right...


  2. Do I count as 5040 really? Cos this is the 2nd time I've viewed the post.

