Tuesday 9 November 2010

Happiness is - a cup of tea in bed...

Yesterday, on the wettest and most horrible day of the school run so far this year, I was blessed in many ways...

My husband happened to have taken the day off, having worked on Saturday this weekend just gone.  Joel was very happy that Daddy was going to be around, and (unprompted by me I hasten to add!) asked Paul to take him to school.

Paul - being as he is a nice Daddy, and also because I had got up early with the boys on Sunday - agreed to take the boys to school.  So the next morning, with the wind howling and the rain pelting down, my three boys set out from the house, whilst I remained curled up in bed.  Heaven.

Life got even better when Paul got home, when he (again unprompted by me - wonders will never cease!) brought me up a cup of tea.  I think tea making might be one of my love languages...

Paul ended up doing all the school and nursery runs yesterday, and I even managed to have a singing lesson without taking Nathan with me.  Paul even did a food shop...  It was nice that Paul had a day off, and effectively I had one too - although I still cooked everybody dinner.

I think, although the school runs went well (unlike this morning, but that's another story...) Paul now has renewed appreciation for what I do each day.  I am very grateful.  Well done super-dad!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very fortunate that, due to Matt's shifts, we do share a lot of the childcare and he does as much with Phoebe as I do - I probably do more in terms of days a month on my own, but most weeks he has her two days while I'm at work. So he has a fairly good understanding of the joys and trials of looking after Phoebe. It does mean that on the days that I am on my own with Phoebe I really miss him!

    I was aware of the 'I got up yesterday so will you get up today?' negotiations that go on between parents before I became one, but now I'm back at work they've become even more part of my life - Matt offered to do all the night-time get ups if I'd get up and get Phoebe to nursery on my own on his day off so he could have a lie-in. Definitely a good deal!
